Discover unique and hard to find items released in Korea. We can help you to buy items with decades of sourcing experience. Get anything from South Korea delivered to you by worldwide shipping.

Discover unique and hard to find items released in Korea. We can help you to buy items with decades of sourcing experience. Get anything from South Korea delivered to you by worldwide shipping.
CollectKorea offers a safe and convenient Korean shopping service for people outside of Korea, and buyers or sellers who want to import wholesale goods from Korea. We make buying from Korea as easy and painless as possible by handling the language, ordering and payment details for you. For businesses we can function as your branch office in Korea.
A proxy buying service for things from Korea SINCE 2011
Send us a link to the item you want and let us know your ship to country.
We send you an e-mail with the price and a checkout link where you can pay.
You pay for the item and shipping costs. We ship it.
Where to buy
Please check a wide selection of recommended Korean online shopping sites.
— Jocelyn (Singapore)